Category: Creative


The rude thing…

Yes, that is right! For the first time in my life I have made something rude. My husband assures me that that is not too bad and can pass as “mildly rude” instead as...


Aladdin started

I have no time. Why didn’t anyone warn me that if you advance your career you shall not have free time. And the stress. Oh my god the stress … I might start writing...


Upcycled denim picnic blankie

Around Christmas I went through “Spring” cleaning 😛 I got rid of a lot of clothing I am not wearing anymore and I found quite a few pairs of old, broken jeans that were...


Music copyright claim :/

A few days ago I got an email that one of my videos has been claimed and monetised by someone else. It made me so angry! These claim are usually frivolous, and since I...